
  1. Andrew Hopkins

    Guide How To Farm (& Use) T1 Essence In Nightingale

    T1 Essence is the second level of Nightingale's money system, which has four tiers. Depending on how rare it is, any Essence you find can be swapped for new stuff, upgrades, and more. To gather all types of this money, you have to participate in various activities in the game world. One of your...
  2. Andrew Hopkins

    Guide Nightingale: Which Abeyance Should You Choose First?

    In Nightingale, there are tons of different realm combinations, and since players can tweak which worlds they encounter, deciding which ones to explore can be a real puzzle. Realm cards have big impacts on the randomly-made worlds in the game, so if you choose the wrong one, you're in for some...
  3. Andrew Hopkins

    Guide Nightingale: How to Dodge

    As you journey through the different Realms in Nightingale, you'll encounter new lands teeming with various creatures. Many of them pose a significant threat, so it's important to be prepared for combat at all times. Luckily, the game features a dodge mechanic that can be a lifesaver. However...