10 Best Pals To Sell For Gold In Palworld
There are plenty of friends in Palworld, and all of them can be traded to earn gold quickly. However, friends are also handy for exploring, farming, collecting resources, and even hunting, so players might want to think twice before exchanging a friend for gold. Considering this, some friends are better to trade than others.

Several factors determine whether players will want to trade their most adorable friends in Palworld, but the main reason will be how helpful they are in other tasks. While friends have the highest starting gold value based on their strength or rarity, players might not want to trade the friend with the highest value because it's likely more valuable for other tasks. That means players often prefer to trade friends with lower starting value, as there's less reason to keep them.


Gold for Gold​

Gold for Gold
Although Mau has a potent element that boosts their value slightly, that's about where the advantages stop. When we look at Vixy, Mau's skill at farming Gold Coins in the Ranch isn't as effective, and there's no need to keep both. Mau lacks good stats besides the low farming level, so it's preferable to trade it for Gold rather than have it digging around. This will assist players in emptying their Palbox for newer and stronger pals.


Alpha Gold​

Woolipop is one of the Palworld's early catches, easy to find and capture. While it produces Cotton Candy in a Ranch, there are limited uses for Woolipop in the Base or on a team due to its weak typing. Hence, if players stumble upon an extra Woolipop or even an Alpha version, it's a safe bet to sell it and make some gold rather than letting heaps of cotton candy pile up.
Woolipop is one of the first pals you'll encounter in the game, easy to find and catch. While it produces Cotton Candy in a Ranch, there aren't many practical uses for Woolipop in the Base or on a team, as its typing makes it weak in Palworld. So, if players come across an extra Woolipop or even an Alpha version, it's a safe bet to sell it and earn some gold instead of letting heaps of cotton candy pile up.


Clearing Space​

Cattiva Clearing Space
As you progress in your early journey, many other pals you encounter will become less useful over time. This often results in having a lot of low-level pals taking up space in your Palbox, leading to storage congestion. However, this issue can be easily resolved by selling off those low-level pals you had to catch at the beginning, like Cattiva, and gaining something in return.

You can only sell pals in the Palbox, so clearing out the box is straightforward when you visit a merchant. Additionally, pals that aren't bosses or Alphas are usually more valuable for the gold they bring rather than the resources they drop when defeated (or butchered).


Fast Cash​

Lamball Fast Cash
While you won't rake in much gold, Lamball is readily found, and you can catch a bunch at once. This makes it convenient to sell a large quantity all at once. Although it won't fetch you the highest base value, you probably won't require extra Wool or Lamball meat, and selling them will yield more than butchering your pal.


No Work No Play​

Rushoar No Work No Play
While Rushoar isn't the sole pal in this group, some low-level pals you encounter when starting in Palworld become less valuable over time, especially pals like Rushoar, who tend to slack off or frequently seek breaks. Keep an eye out for the UI text that indicates if a pal is lazy, and be sure to sell those ones and swap them out for others. Once you have a suitable replacement for Rushoar in mining tasks, you'll have a higher-level pal, thus fetching a bigger payout when selling them to the merchant.


Electric Cash​

Jolthog Electric Cash
While having an Electric-type pal at your base has its perks, there are plenty of other pals with that trait who are better to keep, like Grizzbolt. Grizzbolt excels in combat, breeding, and resource farming, whereas Jolthog isn't as versatile. Despite their cuteness, having numerous Jolthogs on hand will clutter up your Palbox, so it's best to sell them and get Gold instead. With that Gold, you can purchase High-Quality Pal Oil, which is much easier to obtain.


Dungeon Boss​

Lifmunk Dungeon Boss
There are a couple of Level 13 dungeons in Palworld, and in one of the early ones, you'll be guided to a cave just before the Rayne Syndicate Tower. It's a straightforward dungeon to navigate, even for those with a low-level flame-wielding pal like Foxsparks. This should enable you to consistently catch the dungeon's boss, a Lifmunk. Given its proximity to a fast-travel point, it's convenient to move back and forth, accumulating several boss-level Lifmunks to sell for a more significant profit.


Easy Alpha​

Chillet Easy Alpha
In the early stages of Palworld, an Alpha Chillet will keep respawning near the Fort Ruins Great Eagle Statue at approximately Level 11. This is probably the first Alpha that players will encounter and defeat, as it's relatively easy to handle. By capturing it, you can benefit from its Alpha status and sell the Alpha Chillet for a higher price than you would if it were a normal version.


Meta Gold​

Relaxaurus Meta Gold

A Relaxaurus at its base level can fetch around 2000 Gold, with the potential for higher earnings as its level increases. Currently, a significant aspect of Pal selling revolves around breeding and selling them for maximum profit, enabling players to accumulate Gold rapidly. Relaxaurus serves as a potential breeder for many harder-to-find pals, so you'll probably have Relaxaurus eggs in Palworld. This can transform breeding mishaps into profitable opportunities, aiding you in finishing your journey on a high note.


Mining For Gold​

Having a single Dumund to autonomously farm ore in your base is beneficial, but having multiple doesn't offer much advantage. They aren't proficient fighters, and if you can breed them or come across extras, they can fetch a high base value, depending on their level. Begin capturing Dumund in the location highlighted by the YouTube channel Game Guides Channel once you acquire Heat Resistant Armor.
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