Baldur's Gate 3 Review
It's been nearly three years since Larian Studios declared they'd give Baldur’s Gate 3's early access version to their eager fans. Its release fueled the desire for a fresh installment in a series that undeniably shaped the RPG genre's place in gaming. With Baldur’s Gate 3's full launch, a new chapter for the title kicks off, offering players a vast array of information, choices, and opportunities in a game that always has something to offer.

The folks at Larian Studios have poured a lot of effort into integrating Dungeons & Dragons and its various systems directly into the game, making it feel like players are virtually playing D&D with friends. While the game may not surpass the real-life D&D experience for most users, its intricacy and sense of adventure come remarkably close.

Dungeons & Dragons has always revolved around numbers. Whether it's abilities, attacks, damage, armor, spells, or carrying capacity, math is omnipresent, and nearly every interaction with the imaginary world is resolved through dice rolls. Numbers reign supreme in most situations, although some Dungeon Masters might opt for the 'rule of cool,' tweaking or disregarding bad rolls to keep the game engaging. Despite variations in rules from one D&D session to another, numbers usually take center stage.

Even though this isn't overtly evident in Baldur's Gate 3, it sometimes feels like outcomes can hinge on dice rolls in critical moments. Baldur’s Gate 3 adeptly employs and presents the same numerical systems found in real-world D&D games. Levels, spell costs, travel distances, damage boosts, racial advantages, passive checks, and more—all governed by numbers—are embraced wholeheartedly by Baldur’s Gate 3.

However, its systems will have both admirers and detractors, with little middle ground between them. Some will relish the complexity and enjoy observing how various systems respond to their character's decisions. Others may find it daunting or dull to constantly monitor numerical changes when all they want is to determine if an item is an improvement. While each weapon lists a range of possible damage and armor provides a defense value, there are also vulnerabilities to certain weapon types or elements that add a layer of complexity to the learning curve. Larian Studios has attempted to streamline the learning process, but discovering how things work will likely involve a fair amount of trial and error.

Baldur's Gate 3: Review
In simpler terms, if players take the time to understand the game's various systems, they'll find a gaming experience that's quite unique in today's gaming scene. Baldur's Gate 3 can feel overwhelming at first with the flood of information available. It's not common to encounter a game that offers minimal guidance right from the start, especially in a genre known for extensive tutorials. The game's opening level lacks detailed tutorials, which can significantly impact the playthrough by missing out on potential companions, both short and long-term.

Baldur's Gate 3 boasts numerous companions, ranging from characters to creatures, some joining the player for brief periods. While their usefulness in combat varies, each companion possesses a distinctive personality that makes them memorable. The game excels in creating characters players genuinely care about, despite it being a well-worn RPG trope. Some of these characters leave a lasting emotional impact on players, lingering in their memories long after the game ends.

The memorable nature of Baldur's Gate 3's characters is further enhanced by the game's voice acting. With only a handful of characters feeling lackluster during the review playthrough, considering the sheer number of characters, it's impressive that disappointments are few. This highlights Larian Studios' dedication to crafting a memorable experience. While not every voice line may become iconic, the conviction with which each line is delivered contributes to the positive reception of the diverse cast of characters. And this diversity is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the number of characters players will encounter on their journey.

Baldur's Gate 3: Review
This aspect also introduces something that many D&D players will either enjoy or dislike: a narrator who serves as a quasi-Dungeon Master, or at least sounds like one. For longtime Dungeons & Dragons fans, hearing the familiar phrase "There doesn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary" when failing various checks on items and doors adds a pleasant touch. The narrator seamlessly transitions in and out of short cutscenes and interactions, enhancing the game's immersion without disrupting it. Their lines are well-crafted, informative, and occasionally humorous. This integration into gameplay is so smooth that most players won’t even notice.

The well-crafted narrative isn't limited to solo play; the game also offers online, LAN, and local co-op modes. Playing with friends grants players control over other characters, providing a level of freedom. However, players must start a new game with the host to select a non-custom character; joining after the game begins requires creating a custom character. Fortunately, newcomers receive levels to catch up with the host. Since the game is tied to the host's save file, players must coordinate to progress through the campaign. Playing with real-life companions is undoubtedly enjoyable, but differing reading speeds among players can lead to impatience. While most players may not mind controlling multiple D&D characters simultaneously, co-op play lightens the load and feels liberating. Nonetheless, the solo experience remains special, with every choice and consequence belonging solely to the player.

Baldur's Gate 3: Review
Baldur’s Gate 3 offers players an abundance of options throughout the game, including in the custom character creator. Players can tweak various aspects such as hair, makeup, and race-specific features in numerous ways. There are 11 base races to choose from, including popular D&D choices like Tieflings and Drow, many of which have sub-races with different abilities. Then there are 12 different classes, some with subclasses that significantly alter playstyles. For example, the various Paladin subclasses can change how players approach situations based on their character's religion. Players can also select from 11 character backgrounds, some providing bonuses to specific situations while others boost base stats. Finally, there's the classic Dungeons & Dragons stat sheet, where players allocate points to abilities affecting everything from damage rolls to speech bonuses with a higher charisma stat. It may be overwhelming for newcomers to D&D stats, but delving into each aspect reveals profound variations in playstyles.

After character creation, players find themselves in a world set over a century after the events of Baldur’s Gate 2: Shadows of Amn. They awaken aboard a Mindflayer’s ship, a tentacled flying vessel that captures people outside and subjects them to experimentation inside organic pods, including the player character. From this point on, players influence the world around them as they embark on their adventure. The full game release has been eagerly awaited, and the new content feels significantly improved and more fleshed out compared to the limited adventure in the early access build. While the game will inevitably be compared to its predecessors, some critics may find the main storyline lacking the same level of excitement. However, the game compensates for this with its variety and multitude of side quests.

Each area is brimming with activities, making it easy for players to get sidetracked from the main storyline, especially given the expansive game world. While having plenty to do may seem like a luxury, the abundance of choices can occasionally overwhelm players. Describing the sheer number of activities available at any given moment is difficult, especially for those attempting to complete every quest. The complexity of its systems contributes to the vast amount of content to explore, and the option to make moral decisions in nearly every situation adds even more variety to gameplay. However, this abundance of choice can be daunting if players don't focus on one quest at a time.

Baldur's Gate 3: Review
Most of the game's negative aspects boil down to minor design choices that may irk users but don’t significantly impact gameplay. For instance, having to load into dialogue scenes even when there's nothing significant to discuss or after exhausting all dialogue options interrupts the game's flow and can feel jarring with prolonged play. Some players also encountered crashing issues when leveling characters, as the game transitions to character-specific screens regardless of whether choices need to be made, such as selecting new spells. Another annoyance is the need to hold down a key to display lootable items, which is crucial for finding hidden items but can become tiresome.

Although these issues, aside from random crashes, aren't game-breaking, they do disrupt immersion and halt gameplay. Additionally, some players may not enjoy the turn-based combat, finding it too slow or cumbersome. However, Baldur’s Gate games have always emphasized deliberate decision-making, and deviating too far from this formula would drastically alter the game's essence. Despite this, Baldur’s Gate 3 offers more camera options, allowing players to switch between action-oriented and tactical views. While this adds variety, it can also lead to targeting issues, especially when navigating through doorways.

Nevertheless, Baldur’s Gate 3 is a remarkable game. Its complexity may be daunting, but the rewards for sticking with it and learning are substantial, making it a recommendation even for casual gamers. It exudes heart, style, and the dedication of a studio passionate about its source material. The game's vast size and intricacies are a testament to Larian Studios' commitment to delivering an exceptional experience to players. The seamless integration of Dungeons & Dragons systems and storytelling sets a high bar for RPGs. Overall, Baldur’s Gate 3 stands out as an exceptionally high-quality and enjoyable game, likely to be cherished by both old fans and newcomers alike for its extraordinary qualities.
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