Persona 3 Reload Review: A Substantial Reawakening for Atlus' Momentous JRPG
Eighteen years since its original release, Persona 3 Reload offers players an exciting revamp that echoes the style of Atlus’ renowned title, Persona 5. While this isn't the first re-release of Persona 3 (Persona 3 FES in 2007 and P3 Portable in 2009), it marks the first significant overhaul the game has received. With its intricately woven narrative, captivating soundtrack, and engaging combat system, Persona 3 Reload surpasses mere expectations.

Upon experiencing the stunning new opening movie, players are immersed in the role of a transfer student thrust into a world unlike any they've known. Unlike Persona 5's Joker, who is among the first in his group to encounter the metaverse, the protagonist of Persona 3 Reload, known as Makoto Yuki, is a newcomer to the pre-established group known as S.E.E.S.

An Old Narrative That Feels Brand New​

Fresh Voices, New Music, and Crisp Visuals​

 An Old Narrative That Feels Brand New
While Persona 3 Portable allowed players to choose between a female or male protagonist, Persona 3 Reload returns to the canonical male lead, Makoto. However, this change brings with it significantly improved dialogue sequences and voice-acting work throughout the game. One of the standout features of this remaster is the new voices for the English dub, with the cast delivering exceptional performances that breathe fresh life into the beloved characters while paying homage to their original voice actors.

Furthermore, fans of the original voices, including Yuri Lowenthal and the main cast, will be delighted to hear that many of them make cameo appearances as secondary characters in this remaster, adding an extra layer of nostalgia.

As for the Social Links, one drawback is that increasing their rank doesn't seem to offer as much value as the Confidants in Persona 5. While Social Links still provide benefits such as increased experience when fusing Personas of their Arcana, they lack the additional skill progression seen in Persona 5's Confidants. In Persona 5, each Confidant offers a new skill with almost every rank, making them increasingly valuable.

This absence of additional skill benefits in Persona 3 Reload's Social Links is a missed opportunity, but the plotlines and character development they offer are still engaging and worth exploring for players invested in the game's world and story.

 An Old Narrative That Feels Brand New
In Persona 3 Reload, the player's immediate party members of the S.E.E.S. group now have additional hang-out activities separate from Social Links. These activities, such as cooking and gardening, are not entirely new to the Persona series but are introduced to Persona 3 for the first time. Engaging in these daily life activities can yield various benefits for players who invest their time, including acquiring a range of battle items and unlocking unique new abilities for each party member based on the time spent with them.

An Old Narrative That Feels Brand New
This new feature adds a unique and enjoyable dimension to Persona 3 Reload, shining a spotlight on the protagonist's daily life and offering a refreshing break from the repetitive dungeon crawling of Tartarus. The game's balance between daily life activities and Tartarus combat is commendable and could serve as a model for future Persona titles.

Makoto's routine of school, hangouts, and combat follows the typical Persona formula, but it feels more manageable compared to Persona 5. Unlike the stress of feeling time-strapped in Persona 5, where Persona-related activities often consume entire days, Persona 3 Reload's structure allows for more flexibility and time management. With the Dark Hour occurring at night, Makoto can utilize the preceding daytime hours to accomplish other tasks and make the most of his time.

Fresh Combat That Fixes Persona 3’s Biggest Flaw​

Control Every Aspect of the Fight​

 Fresh Combat That Fixes Persona 3’s Biggest Flaw
One of the most scrutinized aspects of earlier Persona games was the lack of control over party members in combat, particularly evident in Persona 3. This issue was addressed in later iterations, starting with Persona 3 Portable, where players gained full control over their party members. This feature has since been further refined, with the addition of mechanics like Shift and Theurgy, offering a more dynamic and engaging combat experience reminiscent of Persona 5.

Shift, akin to Baton Pass, and Theurgy, similar to Showtime, provide players with strategic options during battles. Notably, Theurgy operates on a meter-based system, allowing for more predictable and calculated use compared to the unpredictable nature of Showtime in Persona 5. This enhancement in Persona 3 Reload's combat system offers players greater opportunities to strategize and adds depth to the gameplay.

However, Persona 3 Reload introduces the series' most controversial summoning system, depicting party members using guns to evoke Personas by pointing the weapon at their head and pulling the trigger. This depiction of self-harm may be disturbing to some players and should be approached with caution.

Despite this controversy, the animated depiction of Persona summoning following the controversial summoning system is visually stunning, showcasing some of Atlus' best work. While this animation is seen repeatedly throughout the game, its spectacle remains captivating each time.

Furthermore, players may notice a significant difference in the use of guns between the narrative and combat. Although guns are used in summoning Personas, they are not utilized in combat. While this may seem contradictory, it preserves the significance of the characters' connections to their Personas and avoids diluting their importance within the narrative.

Tartarus Redesigned From The Ground Up​

New Floors, Dangerous Enemies, and Rare Rewards​

 Tartarus Redesigned From The Ground Up
Persona 3 Reload has successfully revamped the layout of Tartarus, making it feel less tedious with redesigned floors and new enemies. The addition of Monad Doors and Passages, which contain powerful enemies and rare rewards, encourages players to explore the tower more extensively than before.

While the Personas themselves remain unchanged, the Velvet Room in Persona 3 Reload introduces new features such as the ability to search by fusion. Although not every player may utilize this feature, it can be an efficient tool for experienced players to plan and build a powerful roster early in the game. However, one drawback that persists from Persona 3 to Persona 3 Reload is the early game imbalance of Personas.

In Persona 5, players constantly fuse new Personas to clear inventory space, but in Persona 3 Reload, the opposite occurs. It can be challenging to maintain a well-rounded inventory of Personas or fuse powerful ones that match the player's level early in the game. While this issue becomes less prominent as the game progresses, it can lead to unnecessary frustration in the initial hours of gameplay.

Finals Thoughts & Review Score​


 Finals Thoughts & Review Score
With its myriad of new content, refined combat mechanics, and enhanced graphics, Persona 3 Reload stands as a significant revitalization of Atlus' iconic JRPG. For newcomers to the Persona 3 experience, this iteration promises an exhilarating adventure packed with profound storytelling that is sure to leave a lasting impact. Even for those familiar with the narrative, Persona 3 Reload feels more like a fresh, new game rather than a simple remaster in a new engine.

In an age where video game remasters abound, Persona 3 Reload sets a high standard for developers to emulate. Players who delve into this reimagined version are bound to discover a new favorite among their gaming collection.
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