Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Activision has maintained an annual release schedule for the Call of Duty franchise since 2005, with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 being the latest installment. However, Modern Warfare 3 faced unique challenges behind the scenes, reportedly undergoing a significantly shorter development time than its predecessors.

Although Activision and Sledgehammer Games have contested this narrative, the final product suggests certain constraints. Modern Warfare 3 largely comprises content from previous games or content intended for the new Warzone map, giving it the feel of an expansion rather than a fully-fledged new game. Despite these limitations, Modern Warfare 3 manages to provide a quality multiplayer experience and a decent Zombies mode. However, its campaign falls short.

The Modern Warfare 3 campaign features bland, generic, and interchangeable characters that fail to evoke any emotional connection. The narrative attempts significant emotional moments that lack impact due to the lack of character development. The expectation is that fans will care about these characters due to nostalgia for the original trilogy, but the attempt doesn't resonate effectively.

Call of Duty
A significant challenge in the Modern Warfare reboot trilogy, especially between Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3, is the occurrence of crucial story developments in the Warzone battle royale and Special Ops co-op mode. Players who solely played the Modern Warfare 2 campaign and skipped these components may find themselves confused about the sudden reappearance of characters like Phillip Graves and Alex Keller. This lack of story cohesion is also evident in the transition from the 2019 Modern Warfare to Modern Warfare 2.

While consistency in the story might be a challenging expectation for Call of Duty fans in the Modern Warfare reboot trilogy, the campaign gameplay remains familiar. Unfortunately, none of the Modern Warfare 3 campaign missions exhibit originality, drawing inspiration from previous games in the series. The obligatory AC-130 gunner mission, linear "Follow Me" missions (albeit without impressive set-pieces this time), and the usual tedious stealth missions are all present. Modern Warfare 3's campaign also incorporates elements from the Warzone playbook with its Open Combat missions.

Open Combat missions in Modern Warfare 3 offer a mixed experience. On one hand, having missions unfold in large, open areas is a welcome departure from the typical linear "Follow Me" structure that has characterized Call of Duty campaigns for over a decade. On the other hand, introducing Warzone elements in these missions blurs the campaign's identity. The situation is not improved by the fact that players are often better off heading straight for objectives in Open Combat missions rather than exploring, undermining their intended purpose.

Call of Duty
The Modern Warfare 3 campaign heavily relies on Warzone elements, essentially being assembled from parts borrowed from Warzone. This integration extends to both the Open Combat missions and linear missions that bring players back to Verdansk. While fans have expressed a desire for Verdansk to return, they likely intended it for the battle royale experience, not within the campaign.

Modern Warfare 3's campaign, concluding in a few short hours, offers few redeeming qualities and establishes itself as arguably the worst Call of Duty campaign ever created. One positive note is the impressive graphics, featuring stunning lighting and highly detailed environments. This level of polish extends to the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer, which stands out as the game's saving grace.

The Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer experience is enjoyable and represents a significant improvement from the offerings in the previous two Modern Warfare games at launch. Although there are some lingering issues, such as wonky Hardpoint spawns on certain maps, the overall multiplayer experience in Modern Warfare 3 is notably superior out-of-the-box compared to most recent Call of Duty games.

Call of Duty
Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer delivers the fast-paced and exhilarating Call of Duty experience that fans have come to anticipate, with notable improvements. Movement is faster, more fluid, and overall feels significantly better compared to the previous year's game. The Time to Kill has been extended, leading to more intense firefights. The developers have implemented a variety of fan-requested changes, resulting in one of the most satisfying Call of Duty multiplayer experiences in recent years.

The multiplayer experience in Modern Warfare 3 is further enhanced by outstanding sound design. Guns produce satisfying sounds, and enemy footsteps are easily discernible. However, players may find themselves impressed by the smaller details, such as the buzzing of flies around their ears while navigating certain sections of the Rundown map. These subtle touches contribute to giving the maps a distinct personality.

At launch, Modern Warfare 3 features 16 core multiplayer maps, directly adapted from the 2009 Modern Warfare 2 game but with significant visual enhancements. These maps are considered classics for a reason, playing a crucial role in making Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer highly entertaining.

Call of Duty
Call of Duty
Call of Duty
While the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer stands out as the best the series has offered at launch in years, it is not without its imperfections. Notably, it lacks important modes like Gun Game and Gunfight, a recurring disappointment for Call of Duty fans accustomed to such omissions. Although these modes might be added later, the standout new game mode, Cutthroat, offers an engaging alternative in the meantime.

Cutthroat presents a fresh take on Gunfight-style battles with a 3v3v3 format, eliminating respawns but allowing players to revive downed teammates within a time limit. While it doesn't precisely replicate the Gunfight experience, mainly due to the use of custom loadouts instead of pre-selected guns, it serves as a decent substitute and represents a natural evolution of the concept.

Fans of Call of Duty multiplayer are likely to find much to appreciate in Modern Warfare 3, providing a thrilling experience that can keep them engaged for extended periods. For many players, this alone makes Modern Warfare 3 worth the price of admission, especially if they prioritize multiplayer over campaign modes. However, some may struggle to justify the $70 price tag, considering that all the Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer maps are derived from a 2009 game. While the maps are excellent, the lack of original content might lead some to perceive Modern Warfare 3 as a $70 DLC rather than a fully-fledged game.

Call of Duty
In Modern Warfare 3, the Zombies mode makes its debut in the Modern Warfare sub-series, presenting a departure from the traditional round-based format. Instead, it introduces a new open-world Zombies experience that incorporates elements from Modern Warfare 2's DMZ and Warzone.

Set on the vast Urzikstan map, which is also the upcoming battle royale map for Warzone, Modern Warfare 3's Zombies mode combines Warzone elements with classic Zombies features. Players can loot chests, drive vehicles, armor up, and engage with iconic elements like the mystery box, weapons off the wall, and Perk-a-Cola. As players explore the map, they face both hordes of zombies and roaming bands of mercenaries. The primary objective is to gather quality loot, survive encounters, and extract to secure upgrades for future runs.

While there are moments where enemy density feels low, leading to less exciting stretches, players can also find themselves on the edge of their seats as they confront massive hordes of the undead. Attempting to exfil while zombies swarm the helicopter provides an exhilarating experience, and those who give the open-world Zombies mode a chance can expect numerous memorable moments like this.

Call of Duty
In Modern Warfare 3's Zombies mode, players are given the freedom to explore the open world at their own pace, offering a more casual experience. However, for those seeking a more focused gameplay, Contracts scattered around the map provide objectives for bonus loot and XP. Additionally, there are Zombies missions that serve as both guides for players new to the mode and avenues to discover more interesting content. MW3 Zombies consistently offers a variety of activities, making it an excellent place for players to level up their weapons for multiplayer, even if purists may remain unconvinced.

Despite the recycled content concerns, there's a lot of enjoyment to be found for those with an open-minded approach. Exploring the new Warzone map through the Urzikstan setting provides a fresh experience, although some might still feel disappointed that MW3 Zombies doesn't offer a completely unique gameplay experience.

This theme of recycled content extends throughout Modern Warfare 3, from the campaign utilizing Warzone content to multiplayer maps dating back 14 years. Despite the high asking price of $70, players who choose to dive in will discover the best Call of Duty multiplayer experience in years. The open-world Zombies mode, while not matching the classic round-based Zombies maps in pure fun, still manages to deliver memorable moments, especially when played with friends.
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