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It's not new, but I noticed no one's talked about it here. In a Reddit post on November 19, user THEVAN3D shared their ban message, revealing that EA imposed a permanent account ban when they typed "stfu" in the chat during a game of Apex Legends. The message they received stated, "We consider this to be harassment. You can no longer play EA games on this account.
EA bans entire accounts for one word STFU even access to singleplayer.png
The post gained traction, spreading across various subreddits and social media platforms. THEVAN3D reported that the ban not only prevented access to Apex Legends but also locked them out of the EA App, rendering all other games unplayable.
As the post gained viral attention, others shared similar stories. It became apparent, however, that this permanent ban was a consequence of accumulating multiple temporary bans in the past. While THEVAN3D insisted they had only received one prior ban for chat messages, some users suggested a three-strike system was in place.

Another player shared a similar experience, receiving a permanent ban for typing "Mfs trash" in the game chat. They confirmed it was their third messaging strike. Contrarily, THEVAN3D argued that this was only their second ban, with the previous one being a temporary suspension for writing 'xtfu'—a misspelling of the intended 'stfu.'
I don't care what the full story is - whatever behavior he exhibited online, you can't just take the stuff the guy paid for away. It doesn't work like that. Ban his account from playing online? Sure. But this crosses a line no matter the context. :mad:

Typical EA bullshit, but also a cautionary tale for relying on platform holders to not be shitty. That's why I insist on DRM-free, or at the very least, a platform that doesn't phone home.
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