Hogwarts Legacy: Should You Tell Sebastian The Truth?
In the "In The Shadowof the Undercroft" quest in Hogwarts Legacy, Sebastian is eager for answers, and players face a decision between being truthful or keeping things secret.

In Hogwarts Legacy, players have the freedom to shape their wizarding lives, including making choices in conversations. When dealing with Sebastian's quest, deciding whether to tell the truth becomes a bit tricky. By this stage, the main character and the Slytherin student have spent some time together, creating a desire to be honest. However, Professor Fig has consistently emphasized the importance of maintaining secrecy.

While Sebastian isn't a central figure in Hogwarts Legacy's main story, his side quests are extensive and contribute significantly to the overall experience. His character growth and storyline stand out in the RPG, making these quests highly recommended. Despite being a Slytherin, Sebastian's intentions may not always be honorable, yet there's more to him than meets the eye. "In The Shadow of the Undercroft" puts the protagonist in an uneasy position as Sebastian seeks information about the missing book pages. Players can choose to reveal their ancient magic powers or uphold their promise to Professor Fig and lie to Sebastian.

What Happens If You Tell Sebastian The Truth In Hogwarts Legacy​

What Happens If You Tell Sebastian The Truth In Hogwarts Legacy
In Hogwarts Legacy, the student's decision to disclose the truth to Sebastian or not doesn't have a significant impact on the main storyline or the friendship dynamic. The only distinction between the two choices is that if the player opts for honesty, it triggers a brief conversation with Sebastian about ancient magic, during which he pledges to keep their secret. Apart from this particular dialogue, there are no additional perks or rewards for revealing the truth to Sebastian.

What Happens If You Lie To Sebastian In Hogwarts Legacy​

 What Happens If You Lie To Sebastian In Hogwarts Legacy
Opting not to disclose the truth to Sebastian results in the protagonist acknowledging the missing pages from the book but offering no additional details. In this scenario, Sebastian remains skeptical but doesn't press for more information, leading to a shorter conversation compared to the alternative choice. It's important to note that this decision does not have any repercussions on the main storyline or the friendship between the protagonist and Sebastian within this side quest chain.

Most Choices In Hogwarts Legacy Won't Impact Gameplay Or Endings​

 Most Choices In Hogwarts Legacy Won't Impact Gameplay Or Endings
In Hogwarts Legacy, although there are numerous opportunities for diverse dialogue, only a few of these choices truly impact the story. Typically, conversations with non-player characters (NPCs) primarily provide additional information or lore. While they contribute to immersion by offering a roleplay perspective and slightly altering cutscenes, they generally have minimal impact on the main storyline, and the game's endings remain unchanged. Despite the desire for more variety and control over outcomes, it appears that dialogue choices in the Harry Potter RPG primarily serve as a flavor element.

Certainly, there are some meaningful choices in Hogwarts Legacy, but many of them create illusions, especially in terms of dialogue options. Ultimately, Sebastian remains willing to assist the player in learning dark arts, regardless of their choice, and the overall game story progresses regardless. In the end, players should choose the option that aligns with their character, as there is no substantial difference between revealing or keeping the truth from Sebastian in Hogwarts Legacy.
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