DLC for Alan Wake 2
Apparently, the addition will be shown at one of the nearest game shows.
  • Remedy has changed the name and logo of the studio on social networks and YouTube. Apparently, it began preparing for the first story add-on for Alan Wake 2.
  • The studio's accounts are now called Poison Pill Entertainment. Judging by the banner in X, this is a company that has been operating in the town of Knight Springs since 1995. That's where Alan Wake was in the American Nightmare spin-off.
  • That the first addition will be dedicated to the mystical show Night Springs has been known practically since the release of Alan Wake 2. But other details the studio did not share.
DLC for Alan Wake 2
  • The changes in Remedy's social networks were noticed by Jeff Keeley. Perhaps the DLC will be shown at his Summer Game Fest show, which will be held on the night of June 8.
  • Sony will also be holding State of Play on the night of May 31, so we shouldn't rule out showing DLC at that stream as well.
  • Sam Lake finalized the add-ons as an actor back in March. Both DLCs are due out before the end of 2024.
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