Hogwarts Legacy
Players face a tough decision when asked to deceive Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy, but the resolution is simpler than it seems. Professor Weasley is depicted in Hogwarts Legacy, sitting at her desk in the background.

  • Whether players lie or tell the truth to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy doesn't significantly impact the game's storyline.
  • Professor Weasley is already aware of the player's secrets, regardless of their choice.
  • The decision to deceive or be truthful to Professor Weasley is solely for role-playing and doesn't influence character relationships.
Upon arriving at school, players must promptly decide to be honest or dishonest with Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy. They might grapple with determining the right choice as the Deputy Headmistress is kind and helpful, guiding the protagonist to their common room and providing them with the Field Guide. However, some students may worry that revealing the truth could expose their ancient magic secret and betray Professor Fig's trust.
Fans acquainted with the main Harry Potter series might be swayed by Professor Weasley's evident connection to the iconic red-headed family. Matilda Weasley is indeed related to Ron, and those who identify with the latter character may feel inclined to be honest with the Transfiguration teacher. Others not interested in her ties with Harry Potter may not have a strong preference for any specific dialogue option, but they might still ponder whether lying to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy is better for the main story.

Lying To Professor Weasley Doesn't Have Consequences In Hogwarts Legacy​

 Lying To Professor Weasley
In reality, there's minimal distinction between lying and telling the truth to Professor Weasley, except for varied reactions from her and Professor Fig. If the player opts to withhold details, Professor Fig, who overhears, will praise them for skillfully evading questions, but Professor Weasley remains unconvinced. The conversation and story then proceed as usual.

Conversely, being truthful with her doesn't significantly impact Hogwarts Legacy. The student only discloses visiting ancient ruins, leaving Professor Weasley unsatisfied. Professor Fig doesn't react differently, except for some slightly modified dialogue if Weasley is informed of the truth. This is the sole change to anticipate when deciding whether to lie or not.

Professor Weasley Knows Your Secrets In Hogwarts Legacy​

 Professor Weasley Knows Your Secrets In Hogwarts Legacy
Indeed, there are two additional instances in Hogwarts Legacy where Professor Weasley prompts the player to be truthful. However, similarly, deceiving Professor Weasley in these situations doesn't affect future dialogue, character relationships, or the narrative. It remains unclear why the Deputy Headmistress seeks answers from the protagonist, especially considering that at the game's conclusion, she reveals knowledge of their secrets, even if they consistently lied.

Consequently, if players choose to lie to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy, it won't impact their game. Unlike requests for more money after quests, this decision is solely for role-playing purposes. Players are free to select the option that aligns best with their personality or their character's personality. Realizing that lying to Professor Weasley holds no consequences in Hogwarts Legacy may disappoint from a certain gameplay perspective, but it relieves players from stressing over their decision.
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