• Question
Why doesn't Sony expand into unsupported regions, like the Philippines?

I don't understand what the fuss is about.

Surely a country like the Philippines, with over 100 million people and a large market for Sony products, should have its own representation on PSN.

What's the issue? If you can sell physical products and PS5s, why can't you support them? You're making money from them, aren't you?

Sony isn't a poor company, and this is supposedly the number one gaming console, right?

  • Question
Remember when video games had cheat codes? Why don't developers include them anymore?

I fondly remember using cheats in games like Age of Empires 2 (the sports car!) and GTA San Andreas (where cars could fly and everyone fought each other!). Back then, cheats were a fun way to mess around and have a laugh. These days, it almost feels like games are "serious business," and cheats are rarely included. At most, you might be able to unlock a few after meeting strict requirements, like finishing the game or discovering all its secrets. Otherwise, you're left to look for a trainer or use Cheat Engine. I wish more games today included those fun, crazy cheat codes like in the past.

Of course, I'm only talking about single-player games; multiplayer is a different story.

  • Question
If all the Game of the Year winners were pitted against each other, which one would emerge as the Game of the Decade?

Use whatever criteria you think are most important. I was just looking at the list and noticed that there’s a strong case for several of these games as having transformed the gaming landscape. What do you think?

Here’s the list for reference:

2023 - Baldur's Gate 3

2022 - Elden Ring

2021 - It Takes Two

2020 - The Last of Us Part 2

2019 - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

2018 - God of War

2017 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

2016 - Overwatch

2015 - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

2014 - Dragon Age: Inquisition

  • Question
Am I just too young to remember, or has stick drift become much worse than it was a few generations ago?

Now, I'm pretty young, and I don't recall ever experiencing stick drift on my controllers from any of the major brands back in the 2000s and 2010s. Nowadays, it seems like all three of the major hardware makers struggle with rampant stick drift in their controllers. Am I just too young to remember it being like this before, or has it really gotten worse?

  • Question
Which game allows you to spend hours aimlessly wandering around and still enjoy the universe?

I know many will mention Red Dead Redemption 2, which makes sense, but for me, I find joy in wandering around Fallout 76. I roam from camp to camp, admiring players' structures, browsing their vendors, and exploring the wasteland. I often do this without focusing on missions or progressing. The Fallout universe is what I truly enjoy.

Which games have a similar effect on you?
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