Leyla Whitehead

Skilled Gamer ➁
foldable iPhone
  • According to The Information, Apple is currently developing "at least two" prototypes of a foldable iPhone, as cited by its sources. These prototypes feature a horizontal folding mechanism similar to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip.
  • The company aims for the folded state of the foldable iPhone to match the thickness of conventional modern smartphones. However, achieving this poses a significant technological challenge, as the device would need to be half as thin when unfolded. Presently, technology constraints hinder Apple from integrating a battery with the required capacity, but the company is actively working to address this issue.
  • Apple is exploring the option of incorporating an external screen into the foldable iPhone, but it faces technical hurdles due to the current limitations in technology advancement.
  • Sources reveal that Apple has not included the foldable iPhone in its plans for mass production in 2024 and 2025. If the desired quality cannot be achieved, there's a possibility that the project may be scrapped altogether.
  • Additionally, Apple is also developing a foldable iPad with an approximately eight-inch diagonal. The company is prioritizing its development, possibly aiming for an earlier release compared to the foldable iPhone. Apple's goal for the foldable iPad is to feature a seamless, crease-free display when unfolded.
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My friend has a Galaxy Z Flip, it looks cool, but I wouldn't buy such a smartphone for myself just yet. I think we need to wait for 2-3 more generations of flip phones and then there will be less compromises in such phones
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