Assassin's Creed Mirage
In Assassin's Creed Mirage, players are about to face a significant challenge following their encounter with Al-Ghul at the Great Symposium. They will stumble upon various clues hinting that Fazil Fahim might actually be a member of the Order. However, Basim can't simply act on mere suspicion and eliminate him. To get to the bottom of this, he must embark on a quest to gather more information within the Great Symposium.

The initial step for Assassin's Creed Mirage players is to have a conversation with Kahraman regarding Fazil's upcoming lecture. Upon discovering that there's some time before the lecture begins, Basim will need to thoroughly investigate the symposium for additional evidence.

How To Find Fazil/Al-Rabisu​

To progress in the game, players will start by discreetly listening in on a conversation among poetry enthusiasts. During the chat, they bring up a poet named Arib, setting players on the trail to find her. You can identify other individuals in the vicinity marked with an orange indicator by employing Eagle Vision. Close to the stairs, Nehal will be present, and she'll request your company in visiting Ahmad's laboratory.

Within the laboratory, players will need to approach specific objects and engage with them. Once these tasks are accomplished, make your exit through the window and head to the right, where you'll come across Arib seated beneath a stone gazebo. After having a conversation with her, you'll be directed to attend a lecture.

Return to the designated location and speak to Kahraman, who will instruct Basim to enter and participate in the lecture. However, shortly after Fazil's appearance, Kahraman informs Basim that two of Fazil's closest aides have been assassinated. In response, Fazil decides to go into hiding once more. At this point, the player's task shifts to tracking down Fazil.

How To Kill Fazil/Al-Rabisu​

Assassin's Creed Mirage
Alright, here's what you need to do to advance in the game. First, step outside and wait for the crowd to gather. Nearby a bench, players will have another chance to overhear the scholars' conversation. Next, locate Kahraman in the vicinity and have a chat with him about the secret passages. He'll initially deny any involvement, but players can use a Scholar Token to persuade him.

Move behind Kahraman to find a gatekeeper who's guarding a door. He keeps repeating the phrase, "Those Who Came Before Are..." at this point. Players can't make a choice here, so it's best to explore some other leads first.

Utilize Enkidu to scan the area, and it will pinpoint the Gardener on the roof. Proceed to the rooftop, which is swarming with guards. You can either eliminate them or sneak past them until Basim is close to the Gardener.

Pickpocket the Gardener, then head back to where Kahraman is situated and take the stairs on the right. Keep going until you spot a bench and two people in conversation. Sit on the bench and eavesdrop once more to discover that one of Fazil's books has gone missing. This book contains the crucial passphrase needed by the gatekeeper.

Proceed through the door, eliminate the guards, and enter another room. Within this room, players will find a note from the Guard Captain specifying that Fazil's astronomy book holds the necessary passphrase. Search carefully to locate an open door leading to the book.

Now, return to the gatekeeper and respond with, "Are Those Who Shall Return." Enter the door behind him and begin your exploration. On the lower floor, there will be a bookcase blocking your path. Pull it towards Basim to reveal a concealed passage leading downwards. Beware of enemies guarding the area; eliminate them and enter a room with locked doors. Access one of them through a hole and find a disguise. Exit the room and unbar the nearby door.

Continue walking until you spot another door. Follow the guard, and he will take Basim directly to Fazil. After a brief dialogue, players will be presented with the option to either assassinate Fazil or Al-Rabisu. Push the appropriate button to eliminate him.
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