cyberpunk 2077
The sprawling open world of Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 is a captivating realm filled with enigma and allure, and the Phantom Liberty expansion only adds to the intricate tapestry. As players navigate the perilous streets of Dogtown within the world of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, they'll uncover a wealth of hidden secrets, such as the wreckage of Songbird's crashed ship.

Once players have successfully infiltrated Dogtown and Mr. Hands has generously registered V as a resident during the Lucretia My Reflection mission, they gain the freedom to explore Dogtown at their leisure. This newfound liberty allows them to embark on a journey to discover the fate of Songbird in the gripping narrative of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.

Explore the southeast area of Dogtown​

cyberpunk 2077
Beyond the Voodoo Boys' central hub in Dogtown, players can venture deep into the desert expanse. Here, they'll encounter the imposing wall that separates Dogtown's denizens from the vast Badlands and the bustling Night City beyond. In the southeastern reaches of Dogtown lies an area that brims with hostility, as depicted in the accompanying image.

Within this perilous territory, players may find themselves engaged in combat with Scav enemies who stand guard over Songbird's crash site. Dispatching these adversaries is a necessity, and once they've been dealt with, players can approach the unmistakable lifepod buried in the earth. However, exercise caution as the corpses of the vanquished Scav enemies may obstruct your view of the lifepod.

Songbird's Crash Site Exploration​

cyberpunk 2077
At the crash site, players can employ their Optic Scanner to uncover the origin of this lifepod: it's a remnant of Space Force One, the vessel that carried President Myers and set V on their journey into Dogtown with the hope of finding a cure for the adverse effects of the Relic implant.

During this visit, Johnny Silverhand makes his presence felt at the crash site, offering his insightful commentary on Songbird's vessel. It's a fascinating glimpse into the lore of the game, shedding light on how Songbird managed to survive the catastrophic Space Force One crash. Those with a high Technical Ability Attribute can delve even deeper into the details, unraveling the mystery of Songbird's miraculous survival from what could have been a fatal crash.

While there may not be any loot to collect at Songbird's crashed space pod, it serves as an intriguing location to explore. In the world of Cyberpunk 2077, Easter eggs like these are scattered throughout, adding depth to the lore and leaving a lasting impact on Night City and Dogtown, for better or worse.
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