Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: How To Defeat Rude And Elena

Once again, we find ourselves facing off against the Turks in the latest installment, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. True to their reputation from the Remake, the Turks exhibit remarkable skill and competence in battle. With Reno taking a temporary break, Rude introduces us to a promising new member of the Turks, Elena, whose distinctive fighting style is nothing short of electrifying.

As FF7 Rebirth's dungeon-style third chapter unfolds, Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa cross swords with Rude and Elena. To acknowledge the significance of our suit-clad adversaries, we've prepared a comprehensive boss guide. This guide ensures that your victory over them is not just a matter of overpowering them but doing so with a touch of style.

Rude And Elena Boss Fight Overview​

 Rude And Elena Boss Fight Overview

The primary menace in this boss encounter stems from their incredible speed, especially considering Rude's impressive agility and Elena's downright rapid movements. Dealing with Elena proves to be a bit challenging due to her higher speed, making it trickier to land physical blows, although she is more susceptible to staggering.

Both Rude and Elena deploy techniques that can paralyze your party members. Elena's preferred long-range Stun Grenade, employed when she's not the target, sends stunning sparks across the arena upon contact.

The resulting stun debuff renders the affected character temporarily incapacitated, and though it's a brief duration, it can feel significantly longer when contending with two formidable adversaries.

Conversely, Rude unleashes various iterations of a Shockwave attack, releasing electrical lines in a linear fashion that induces paralysis. The Turks employ these attacks regularly, maintaining the constant threat of being stunned.

When it comes to weaknesses, Elena, susceptible to lightning, activates Petite Powerhouse when low on health. On the other hand, Rude, who is weak to wind, employs Atlas Stance. These moves lead to the Turks' joint Synergy Skill, emphasizing the importance of eliminating one Turk before dealing with the other.

Rude And Elena Battle Strategy​

 Rude And Elena Battle Strategy

It's highly advisable to equip Thunder and Aero materia before diving into this boss encounter. Given the need for meticulous management of Aerith's healing abilities, assigning Thunder to Cloud and Aero to Aerith could be a strategic move, ensuring both elemental spells are readily available.

Tifa, with her swift combat style, serves as an excellent counter to Elena's speed. Leveraging Tifa's rapid punches can effectively keep Elena at a distance and reduce the frequency of Stun Grenade usage.

Consistently deploying Unbridled Strength with Tifa is crucial, and whenever the Synergy Skill is charged, directing it towards Elena will maintain pressure on her. Swiftly eliminating Elena in the early stages of the battle significantly simplifies the remainder of the encounter.

Understanding the pressure dynamics, Elena is pressured by potent abilities, while Rude feels the pressure when hit with such abilities while his guard is up. Both become heavily pressured if their Synergy Skill is interrupted.

Coordinate Cloud or Aerith to cast Thunder and the other to cast Aero, establishing and maintaining an advantageous position throughout the battle. Skillful dodging of paralyzing sparks is best handled by controlling Tifa directly.

Once Rude is left alone, his elevated defense and HP may extend the duration of the fight, but the real danger is mitigated. A united front of Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa relentlessly attacking him proves formidable. Utilize Thunder and lightning-elemental abilities until he succumbs, securing victory in the battle.
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