Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Materia Guide

The Materia system in Final Fantasy 7 was a pivotal gameplay element, and its popularity led Square Enix to fully replicate it in the Remake trilogy. While the options in Remake were somewhat limited, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth significantly expands and diversifies your choices.

For those unfamiliar with the Materia system in the FF7 universe, we've got you covered. Whether you're sorting out your Greens from your Purples and seeking a clearer understanding of your options or simply interested in more details about FF7 Rebirth, this article is here to provide the information you're looking for.

What Is Materia?​

 What Is Materia?

Indeed, there are two aspects to Materia within the Final Fantasy 7 universe. On the in-universe side, Materia is essentially crystallized Mako containing the essence of the Lifestream, enabling individuals to cast magic. When Materia orbs are equipped, characters gain access to a diverse range of spells, abilities, and even summoning entities.

The Materia system classifies orbs into five categories, each associated with a specific color:
  • Magic Materia (Green): This category encompasses spells like Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, and Esuna. The orbs themselves may have distinct names, such as 'Ice' for Blizzard and 'Healing' for Cure.
  • Command Materia (Yellow): Including non-magical abilities, these orbs offer practical skills like Assess for scanning enemies, Steal for pilfering, and Chakra for healing.
  • Summon Materia (Red): Housing legendary summoned entities like Bahamut, Titan, and Alexander, these orbs grant access to powerful summons.
  • Support Materia (Blue): This category enhances the power of linked Materia. Examples include Elemental, adding elemental attack or defense, and Magnify, extending the range of effects.
  • Independent Materia (Purple): Providing stat increases and similar benefits, Independent Materia orbs feature names like HP Up, MP Up, Strength Up, and Magic Up.
To equip Materia, navigate to the Equipment and Materia screen, press triangle, and explore the available options. Different weapons and armor have varying numbers of slots, including linked slots for added versatility. Have fun customizing your characters with this intricate Materia system!

How Do You Get More Materia?​

 How Do You Get More Materia?

Materia acquisition in the world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth occurs through various channels. Given the abundance of Materia in the game, expect to come across new forms and additional copies of orbs regularly.
  • Purchase: Materia is available for purchase in different regions and hubs. As you progress through the story and unlock new regions, the variety and quantity of Materia orbs for purchase will increase. For instance, while Kalm may offer only a few, Gongaga will present a substantial expansion.
  • Chadley's World Intel: Completing tasks for Chadley and accumulating regional points allows him to develop new and exclusive Materia. The Combat Simulator, updated for various reasons, may also feature new Materia at times.
  • Enemy Skill Materia: Engaging in battles with Fiends and using Assess can unlock new techniques for the Enemy Skill Materia. Summon Materia is dispersed throughout regions, with shrines providing opportunities to make these encounters more manageable.
  • Side Quests: Materia is sometimes offered as rewards for completing side quests. While not guaranteed, engaging in numerous side quests increases the likelihood of amassing a significant collection.
  • Dungeon Exploration: Dungeon-like settings often contain scattered Materia. Although some are easily visible, it's advisable to thoroughly explore areas using the camera, as Materia might be tucked away in less obvious locations.
These examples represent common avenues for obtaining Materia, but the world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth also hides orbs in unexpected places or rewards players with them through minigames. The excitement lies in the unpredictability of when and where you'll discover these valuable orbs!

Which Materia Should You Equip?​

 Which Materia Should You Equip?

In FF7 Rebirth, the diverse array of Materia offers numerous advantageous combinations. Consideration of specific character stat parameters and strategic setups can significantly enhance your gameplay experience.
  • Elemental Magic Materia: With the introduction of elemental abilities on characters' Folios in Rebirth, the constant need for all four elemental magic Materia orbs has diminished. However, in areas where enemies exhibit specific weaknesses, it's still beneficial to equip the corresponding elemental Materia.
  • Healing Materia: Ensure that Healing Materia is always equipped on a character in your active party. Materia containing spells like Poisona and Esuna becomes crucial in the mid-game due to enemies inflicting status effects. Additionally, consider adding Barrier and Enervation Materia for added versatility.
  • Summon Materia: Maximize the use of Summon Materia, as each character has a dedicated Summon slot. Consider the characters' individual stats and choose Summons that complement and boost their strengths.
  • Key Support Materia: Materia such as Magnify, Elemental, Item Economizer, and ATB-related Materia can significantly impact both offensive and defensive capabilities. Prioritize Materia that facilitates building the ATB bar and simplifies item usage for a more strategic advantage.
  • Auto-Cast and Auto-Ability Materia: Streamline your gameplay by equipping Auto-Cast to a linked Magic Materia, enabling your ally to use specific magic automatically.
Auto-Ability, on the other hand, doesn't require a linked slot and is determined by the character's set shortcuts, providing convenience and efficiency in managing your allies.
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