Fortnite: How To Get And Use The Cardboard Box
Fortnite continues its trend of consistently expanding its in-game content, regularly incorporating new characters and items inspired by renowned intellectual properties from around the globe. In a recent update, Epic Games has integrated the iconic Cardboard Box from the Metal Gear Solid series into the game.

Veteran players are accustomed to Battle Royale's tradition of providing prop items for concealment during gameplay, such as bushes and snowmen scattered across the map. With this latest addition, a fresh hiding spot has been introduced, and players can discover these Cardboard Boxes throughout the game world. Moreover, there are specific locations on the map where these boxes are guaranteed to spawn, offering players strategic opportunities for concealment.

Where To Find The Cardboard Box​

 Where To Find The Cardboard Box
The Cardboard Box holds Mythic quality in Fortnite, providing players with the ability to conceal themselves from opponents. As a standard loot item, it can be discovered on the ground, in chests, and within various randomized loot drops. In comparison to other items inspired by Metal Gear, the Cardboard Box appears to be relatively common.

Exploring major Points of Interest (POIs) and thoroughly searching chests and buildings significantly increases the likelihood of coming across a stack of Cardboard Boxes during your gameplay.

fortnite solid snake location
An alternative way to acquire a Cardboard Box in Fortnite is by purchasing it from Solid Snake, who can be located on the northernmost island of the map. Solid Snake can be found wandering around a fire pit in the central area, and he offers to sell you a Cardboard Box for 100 Gold. While it presents a good opportunity, it's essential to exercise caution and avoid getting eliminated by other players who may also be eager to engage with Solid Snake.

How To Use The Cardboard Box​

fortnite cardboard box throw ground
To activate the Cardboard Box disguise in Fortnite, simply throw it at your feet. This action prompts your character to take cover under the box, with their feet protruding from the bottom. For a more convincing appearance of being an unassuming box, you can use the crouch button toggle to remain stationary.

Upon exiting the box, it will persist in its last position, mimicking the appearance of a crouching character. Additionally, you have the option to create decoy boxes by tossing them on the ground away from your current location, adding an element of uncertainty for your adversaries as they try to discern your actual hiding spot.

Attempting to throw a Cardboard Box while already inside one will cause your character to pop out of the top.

Leveraging this strategy can capitalize on your opponents' confusion, providing an opportunity for a surprise attack.
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