I know the title of this post might seem straightforward, but I need some advice, and I'm not sure if this is the right place for it. I’m pretty new to cosplay, so bear with me.

For the past six months, I've been working on a cosplay of Valentino from Hazbin Hotel. I've spent hours and a lot of money on supplies to build this costume. I'm really proud of it, especially since it’s the first cosplay I’ve built myself!

However, when I told my best friend that I was nearly done and how proud I was, she immediately said that I was a bad person for choosing this character and even used some harsh words I’d rather not repeat here.

This will be my first time wearing a costume to a con, and I’m very new to cosplay. I’m worried about upsetting or offending others at the event. I always thought people understood that these characters are fictional. Just because a character is a villain doesn’t mean the cosplayer supports their actions.

I’m just really upset. I put so much time into this, and to be insulted and called a bad person by a close friend was really tough. I thought I'd ask for some advice from people who know more about this. Any input would be appreciated.
It isn't wrong to cosplay as a fictional villain. Life is too short to worry about what others think in my opinion. If she doesn't like the character for whatever reason and is upset that you're wanting to cosplay as them, she can just ignore the cosplay. I say go to the con dressed up as Valentino and have a good time!
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