Nightingale: How to Dodge
As you journey through the different Realms in Nightingale, you'll encounter new lands teeming with various creatures. Many of them pose a significant threat, so it's important to be prepared for combat at all times. Luckily, the game features a dodge mechanic that can be a lifesaver. However, it operates a bit differently, so let's go over how to Dodge in Nightingale.

Even though Nightingale isn't a Soulslike game, dodging remains a crucial aspect of combat. It offers a considerable range, though it comes with the limitation of not being constantly available.

How to Dodge in Nightingale​

 How to Dodge in Nightingale
To perform a dodge in Nightingale, simply press the right mouse button along with a directional button. However, when you start your journey in the Fae lands, you may notice that your character is unable to dodge. Don't fret, as this isn't a glitch but an intentional design choice.

In Nightingale, the dodge mechanic only activates when you're wielding a single-handed or dual-wield weapon. Once you've equipped one of these, you can dodge by spending stamina. Therefore, it's crucial to manage your stamina during battles to ensure it doesn't run out at a crucial moment. If you're familiar with the DS series, you'll likely adapt easily to this mechanic.

Furthermore, players should monitor their inventory weight. If you carry too much, your character won't be able to dodge. To avoid this, consider bringing companions along to help carry items and resources you find.

Why Dodge May Not Work in Nightingale​

 Why Dodge May Not Work in Nightingale
Unfortunately, not all players in Nightingale have access to the dodge mechanic. If you prefer using bare hands or a two-handed weapon, you'll have to forgo this feature. Instead, when you right-click, you'll activate a block, which is still an effective way to reduce damage taken. However, blocking comes with the downside of reducing the durability of your weapon with each blocked attack. Therefore, it's important to consider this when exploring dungeons or other dangerous areas. It's wise to always carry a spare weapon, just in case.

That's all you need to know about dodging in Nightingale. While this feature operates differently from other RPG titles, it adds variety to battles for players.
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