One Palworld Glitch Provides Access To An Unraidable Base Online
In Palworld, where raiding is a common issue in open online multiplayer on Steam, players seek ways to protect their bases. Despite the lack of an official PvP mode, players still exploit each other's bases for resources, even though they can't capture other players' Pals yet.

To defend a base, players typically build walls or lock chests, but these defenses can still be breached. Since players can't monitor their bases constantly, they're vulnerable when offline. However, there's a near foolproof defense method: hiding the base so well that others can't find it.

How To Make A Secret Base In Palworld​

Getting Into Palworld's Secret Rooms​

 How To Make A Secret Base In Palworld Getting Into Palworld's Secret Rooms
As shown in a YouTube video by Glitch Unlimited, Palworld features hidden rooms within cliffs, offering space for secret bases. One notable hidden room, detailed in the video, lies north of the Cinnamoth Forest fast travel waypoint. To access it, players exploit a glitch: they partially climb the cliff, then mount their Pal. This glitch teleports them through the rock to the concealed area, where they find a sizable open space for construction after navigating a small corridor.

Palworld boasts several hidden rooms across its map, and Glitch Unlimited highlights just one of them. If that particular room doesn't meet a player's requirements or is already in use, Glitch Unlimited offers another option in a second video.

Pros & Cons Of Using A Secret Palworld Base​

 Pros & Cons Of Using A Secret Palworld Base
These secret rooms typically aren't spacious enough to accommodate every type of gathering hub, but they can hold a Palbox and a few chests. Hence, it's advisable to use them as secondary bases, storing valuable items while gathering materials at the primary base. While they're challenging to raid, they're not foolproof. Any player who has seen the glitch can attempt to replicate it, potentially compromising the base's security.

Moreover, these secret rooms might be patched out in a future Palworld update. If so, even the owners won't be able to access them, which could be doubly frustrating if they've stashed rare items inside. Thus, having a secret base poses its own risks. While it can practically eliminate raid possibilities, it could also result in losing everything if the location is patched out. Nevertheless, it's worth exploring these hidden spots in Palworld before they disappear.
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