Palworld Update Finally Stops The Rich From Getting Richer
While money doesn't wield as much influence in Palworld as in some other games, having it certainly doesn't hurt. There's a plethora of things available for purchase from Wandering Merchants and Black Marketeers scattered across the map. This can swiftly fill in gaps in production and supply the necessary materials to advance to the next tier of equipment. Players are introduced to the concept of money fairly early in the game, with the Small Settlement outside the starting area offering the first glimpse into NPC transactions in Palworld.

Although almost all items can be sold to merchants in the game, some items hold greater value than others. Interestingly, one particular item, initially an early-game material, became highly prized in the Palworld community, with players almost exclusively selling this item at one point. However, now that it's no longer available, establishing a robust production line for Palworld's most valuable items can still lead to boundless wealth in the game.

Palworld Nail Glitch Has Been Fixed​

Home Improvement No Longer Pays Off​

 Palworld Nail Glitch Has Been Fixed Home Improvement No Longer Pays Off
Due to a bug in the game, an unexpected item became the most valuable and profitable in Palworld. Nails only required a single Ingot to produce, yet each nail sold for 160 Gold at the time. This was quite different from Ore, needed to make Ingots, which sold for only 20 Gold per piece (now reduced to 5) for comparison. However, after Palworld Patch, nails now sell for 20 Gold each, still making them a worthwhile item to sell since one Ingot produces two Nails. Those who capitalized on this bug early on profited greatly.

Other high-value items include Honey and Jam-Filled Buns, as their prerequisites aren't demanding and they fetch a decent sum at the merchant. Post-patch, many may find farming more profitable than production, although the latter remains a viable and useful option for later in the game.

Since merchants have an unlimited Gold supply, producing Nails and selling them remains one of the most profitable passive activities in Palworld. The earnings from these sales can then be used to purchase items from the Wandering Merchant or Black Marketeer.

Setting Up A Nail Production Line​

Become A Nail Billionaire​

 Setting Up A Nail Production Line Become A Nail Billionaire
While many players are familiar with producing nails at a Workbench and ingots at a low-level Primitive Furnace, as one progresses, it becomes easier to generate a nearly endless supply of nails. First, establishing a solid production line for Ingots is crucial, as it's the main resource for nails and yields them in a 1:2 ratio. The key factor here is finding a Pal with a high Kindling score, as it determines the speed of Ingot production. Currently, the Pal with the highest Kindling score in Palworld is Joruimtide Ignis, with a score of four.

Other Pals proficient in smelting ore include Blazamut, Suzaku, and Faleris, all boasting a Kindling score of 3. Wixen is also a decent Fire Pal for early-game use, with a Kindling score of 2.

Mining typically takes the longest to master in Palworld, although a frame-cancel glitch can expedite the process. Regardless, setting up a mining base to automatically produce Ore for Ingots is essential, with various locations in Palworld serving as ideal spots for this purpose. While a few early-game Pals like Depresso can handle mining, Pals such as Digtoise and Reptyro excel in this area with a Mining skill of 3. The top mining Pal is Astegon, a high-level dragon.

Lastly, having Pals with high Handiwork skills is necessary. Anubis currently stands as the best Pal in the game for this skill. Although assigning a Pal to a workbench is possible, creating a Production Assembly Line with multiple Pals boasting high Handiwork skills allows for efficient nail production. Once established, this setup isn't only useful for producing nails but also for crafting various items at the Assembly Line in Palworld.
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