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Starfield, despite not meeting all expectations, provides much of what we sought from a Bethesda game. It's reminiscent of Skyrim in space, lacking the promised complete freedom but offering a captivating world with satisfying RPG elements. Despite some criticisms of emptiness and sluggishness, our review highlighted its expansive exploration, engaging combat, and compelling narrative. In a year of standout games, Starfield stands as a very good RPG, promising enduring replay value.

"Starfield is an enormous space odyssey that serves up some incredibly evocative and engaging exploration, satisfying combat, and a narrative that had us hooked right to the end. Yes there are issues here with the usual jank, and some very messy and fiddly menus and interactions, but all of these problems feel minor when compared to everything this game gets right.
In a year that's been packed full of absolutely essential games, Starfield manages to sit right up top with some of the best of them. After all the hype and bluster, this is just a very, very good RPG and a game we'll be playing and replaying for a long time to come."

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