CD Projekt Holding has published its financial report for 2023, which was an extremely successful year for the company. Highlights:
  • Total revenue from sales of Cyberpunk 2077 and the Phantom Liberty add-on exceeded three billion zlotys (more than $750 million). In 2023, the figure increased by 826 million zlotys.
The Witcher 4
  • The next "The Witcher" codenamed Polaris is in pre-production.
  • The remake of the first "The Witcher" from Fool's Theory Studios and the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel from CDPR itself are still in the concept stage. The teams of these projects are gradually expanding.
  • Active production of a game based on "The Witcher" from The Molasses Flood has yet to begin.
  • CD Projekt RED's first game in its own franchise is still in the conceptualization stage of the IP. The project, codenamed Hadar, was first reported in the fall of 2022.
  • The team responsible for the next installment of The Witcher continues to grow. As of February 29, 2024, 403 people worked on the game, that is, more than 60% of the entire staff of the studio. The active production stage of the action will begin in the second half of 2024.
The Witcher 4
  • CD Projekt is very pleased with the performance of Cyberpunk 2077 and the Phantom Liberty add-on, whose sales in 2023 exceeded five million copies. The company is confident that the game will remain relevant to customers for years to come, just like The Witcher 3.
The Witcher 4
  • CDPR games have sold more than 100 million copies. Of these, more than 75 million were for the "Witcher" trilogy, and 25 million for Cyberpunk 2077.
  • CD Projekt's revenue from sales in 2023 exceeded PLN 1.2 billion ($308 million), and profit exceeded PLN 481 million ($120 million). These figures are 29% and 39% higher than the previous year, respectively.
  • Financially, 2023 was the second-best year ever for CD Projekt.
  • The company's reserves rose to PLN 1.3 billion. CD Projekt said that they achieved a "safe financial position" due to this.
  • CD Projekt is considering licensing the Cyberpunk 2077 and "The Witcher" IPs to third-party studios to create mobile games. No concrete plans or announcements have been made yet.
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