The Witcher 3: The Bloody Baron Main Quest Walkthrough
Phillip Strenger, commonly known as The Bloody Baron, emerges as one of the most captivating characters in the extensive narrative of The Witcher 3. Geralt encounters this morally ambiguous figure when directed to Crow's Perch in Velen while on his initial quest to find Ciri.

Despite his questionable morality, The Baron's storyline, entwined with the strained relationships with his absent wife and daughter, becomes highly engaging. In the "Family Matters" quest, Geralt aids The Baron in locating his estranged family members. However, the resolution of this singular quest doesn't conclude the family's tragic tale. To witness the full story unfold, players must also undertake the "Return to Crookback Bog" quest. It's crucial to note that choices made earlier in the game significantly impact The Baron's journey during this quest.

Bloody Baron Quest Overview​

The Witcher 3: The Bloody Baron Main Quest Walkthrough
Following 'The Nilfgaardian Connection,' 'The Bloody Baron' closely considers Geralt's actions in that quest. Starting at Crow's Perch, the reactions of the locals depend on whether you chose to spare or slay the Baron's men in the previous encounter.

If you refrained from violence, this seemingly crucial main quest unfolds with minimal complications, and its future implications remain somewhat concealed for now. The guards allow Geralt's entry, and the quest concludes after the meeting with Philip.

On the other hand, if the guards turn hostile, you must rejoin the conflict and locate a middle-aged man in green-and-yellow attire seated on a makeshift wooden seat. While predominantly a dialogue-based interaction, he requests a donation of 15 crowns.

Choosing whether to donate or not presents a pragmatic versus scholarly perspective: declining saves 15 crowns but accepting provides more insight into the situation.

Opting for the latter prompts the old man to reveal the precise location of a shrine. Though achievable without his guidance, doing so without his information means lacking exact coordinates. The shrine leads to a well (and a water hag!), eventually leading to the Baron and circling back, albeit more slowly, to where the nonviolent route would have taken you.

The remainder of this guide deviates from the conventional approach by skipping ahead in The Witcher 3, delving into explanations of endings based on information you currently possess only up to the completion of 'The Bloody Baron' quest.

The Baron Takes Anna To The Blue Mountains​

The Witcher 3: The Bloody Baron Main Quest Walkthrough
The Bloody Baron's narrative unfolds in a realm of moral ambiguity, devoid of clear heroes or villains. Consequently, there is no definitive 'best' or inherently good ending; however, from the Baron's standpoint, the conclusion achieved is the most favorable.

Attaining this outcome hinges on a pivotal decision during "The Whispering Hillock" quest, where Geralt must choose between freeing the ghost in the tree or eliminating it. This decision ranks among the most challenging in The Witcher 3, and opting for the kill prompts the realization of the 'Blue Mountains' conclusion.

Surprisingly, it is also feasible to reach this ending while still freeing the spirit. To accomplish this, one must manually initiate and complete "The Whispering Hillock" quest before it is introduced through the main questline. To begin, head to the Ancient Oak, southeast of Anna and the Orphans' location. Within the cave beneath the tree, the spirit can be found.

Interestingly, addressing "The Whispering Hillock" prematurely doesn't alter the fates of the Baron or Anna in this ending. While the decision to free or kill the spirit typically determines the Baron's potential outcomes, having this workaround provides a loophole for players whose portrayal of Geralt involves a compassionate stance toward demonic spirits.

The Witcher 3: The Bloody Baron Main Quest Walkthrough

In the subsequent quest, "Return to Crookback Bog", Geralt joins forces with The Baron to rescue Anna from the malevolent Crones. Upon their arrival, they discover Anna in a disturbed state, a consequence of Geralt's decisions during "The Whispering Hillock." Despite her condition, The Baron remains optimistic about saving his wife by taking her to a hermit in the Blue Mountains. With Tamara reluctantly agreeing to their departure, The Baron escorts Anna away.

Upon revisiting Crow's Perch, now devoid of the Baron's presence, the ruthless behavior of his henchmen becomes evident in his absence. Nevertheless, the location remains arguably one of the better areas in war-torn Velen.

This outcome, where both the Baron and Anna survive, is generally regarded as the most favorable conclusion for the Baron's storyline, although interpretations may vary. Some may question whether the sacrifice of the orphans and the toll on Anna's mental health is too high a price to pay.

The Baron Dies​

The Witcher 3: The Bloody Baron Main Quest Walkthrough
For The Baron to meet his demise after the events of "Return to Crookback Bog," Geralt must release the spirit in the tree during "The Whispering Hillock." While this choice ensures The Baron's fate, Geralt's actions influence the unfolding events.

If Geralt freed the spirit, upon revisiting Anna in "Return to Crookback Bog," she has taken the form of a water hag, a result of the Crones' curse. The godling Johnny discloses the curse's origin, and it falls to Geralt to reverse it.

Lifting The Curse​

To break the curse, Geralt must locate the doll crafted by the Crones for Anna. Four dolls are available, each with distinct features:
  • A doll with a violet hollyhock bloom.
  • A doll with a human ear.
  • A doll with a bird feather.
  • A doll with a red bead.
Choosing the correct doll, the one with a violet hollyhock bloom (Anna's favorite flower, as mentioned by The Baron), transforms Anna back into a human. Despite the spell being broken, the curse is tied to her life, resulting in her eventual death. However, Anna gets a chance to bid farewell to The Baron and their daughter.

Picking The Wrong Doll​

Selecting any of the other three dolls causes Anna to immediately burst into flames, enduring agonizing final moments while her family witnesses the horror. Additionally, The Baron never has the opportunity to apologize for his past actions. This outcome stands as one of the most tragic in The Witcher 3.

The Aftermath​

Regardless of how Anna meets her end, Geralt must return to Crow's Perch for his payment. There, he discovers The Baron hanging from a tree in the courtyard. A blend of regret, grief, and inebriation led him to take his own life. The scene is profoundly heartbreaking, especially as his people seem indifferent.

While this ending is undoubtedly tragic, some may view it as honorable to fulfill Anna's wishes and protect the orphans. By selecting the right doll, her ending becomes bittersweet as she says goodbye to her loved ones. Ultimately, none of the potential outcomes will satisfy everyone, leaving it to individual moral compasses to determine The Bloody Baron's best ending in The Witcher 3.
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