I like Michael from GTA 5, he always got what he wanted, and he also has great friends
Grand Theft Auto V GIF
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There is only one Arthur Morgan. Nothing comes close to this character for me and there are only a handful of games that would make you feel and care for a story and for its characters in a similar way like Red Dead Redemption.

Some other notable ones as main characters would be: Commander Shepard, Lara Croft, Ezio Auditore, John Marston. For the side ones: Sadie Adler, Sarah Kerrigan and Marcus Fenix. Probably I missed some, but Arthur and Shepard would be at the top, the rest don't have a particular order.
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I really like GLaDOS from Portal 2, even though it's not a playable character it mesmerized me with its persistence, calculation and voice. Even though she's a machine, every interaction with her made me emotional, especially the first time I met her
GLaDOS from Portal 2
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