Baldur's Gate 3: Should You Side With Nightsong Or Lorroakan?
Act One introduces the side quest of locating the Nightsong in Baldur's Gate 3, but its resolution is reserved for Act Three. The narrative extends beyond the rescue of Nightsong from the Shadowfell, the defeat of Ketheric Thorm, and the reunion with her beloved Isobel.

In Act Three, you'll encounter the chance to recruit additional allies, both new and familiar faces, to assist in thwarting the mind flayer invasion. Alternatively, you can pursue wealth and treasures, albeit at the expense of losing a few companions. The decision rests in your hands, and careful consideration is advised.

Where To Find Lorroakan​

To locate Lorroakan in Act Three, enter the city and make your way to Sorcerous Sundries, the shop Gale expressed an interest in visiting. If Aradin is still alive, you'll find him causing a commotion outside. Engage in a conversation with him, discovering that he's at the wizard's location regarding the Nightsong contract.

When speaking with Aradin, you have the option to either deceive him about finding Nightsong or disclose the truth. He may insist on a share of the reward, claiming ownership of the contract. You can choose to agree or negotiate with him. Successfully convincing Aradin will prompt him to step aside, leaving you to proceed inside the shop.

Which Portal Leads To Lorroakan's Tower​

Which Portal Leads To Lorroakan's Tower
Upon entering, ascend the stairs, where you'll be greeted by Lorroakan's Projection. To proceed, rely on your knowledge of Nightsong. Four portals will materialize, each accompanied by plaques offering clues to solve the puzzle.

Recalling that Nightsong is the daughter of Selune is crucial, as many mistake it for an ancient relic, making this puzzle a test for inexperienced adventurers. Examine the plaques beside each portal to decipher the solution.

Engage with the first portal on the left (the blue one) to access Lorroakan's tower. There, you'll witness the wizard preparing to shoot an apple off his assistant's head.

Your arrival prompts an interrogation from Lorroakan, probing your understanding of Nightsong.

Depending on the progress of Gale's personal quest and whether he accompanies you, there might be a unique dialogue between the two wizards, showcasing their knowledge and ambition.

Lorroakan's goal is to emulate Ketheric Thorm by trapping Aylin in his tower. Through her innate abilities, he aims for immortality and promises generous rewards for your assistance.

Regardless of your responses, your next task is to retrieve Nightsong. The quest will remain at a standstill until you engage in conversation with her.

Bring Nightsong To The Tower​

 Bring Nightsong To The Tower
Return to your camp and engage in a conversation with Dame Aylin. Inform her about Lorroakan's intentions, and she eagerly expresses her readiness to confront him and set an example. Despite Isobel's desire to accompany her, Dame Aylin persuades her to stay behind.

If Dame Aylin sustained damage during the battle at Moonrise Towers, ensure she is at full health before talking to her, as it seems she doesn't naturally regain hit points during long rests.

After your discussion, Dame Aylin swiftly departs, so make sure to heal her before she leaves.

Return to Sorcerous Sundries and enter the blue portal. Upon arrival, witness Dame Aylin confronting Lorroakan.

In their conversation, Lorroakan attempts to pacify the angered Nightsong. However, she staunchly refuses to be ensnared again, leaving no room for negotiation. Lorroakan signals you, presenting a crucial moment for you to make a choice.

Siding With Nightsong​

Opting to stand by Dame Aylin represents the morally upright decision, though it's undoubtedly the more challenging path. When you confirm your opposition to Lorroakan, be prepared to roll for initiative.

Engaging in combat against Lorroakan entails confronting him, his assistant Krank, and four elemental Myrmidons. Lorroakan draws power from his allies, enhancing his strength and frequency of attacks. Striking him prompts a retaliatory strike fueled by one of the elementals.

The impending battle is formidable but aligns with the righteous cause. With Dame Aylin as your ally, strategically separate your party to avoid area-of-effect attacks and focus on eliminating enemies one by one.

If Rolan the tiefling is still alive, he will join the fight if you side with Nightsong. His magic missile attacks contribute to diminishing the Myrmidons' health.

Prioritize Krank and Miklaur for elimination, as they are the easiest targets, hastening the turn order. Exercise caution, but with luck, the battle can be won in a few turns.

Post-victory, the tower presents opportunities for looting magical items. If Rolan survives, he takes charge of the tower, relocating his siblings there.

In your time of need, Rolan pledges support, securing more allies for the impending challenges. Maintaining your relationship with Aylin (and Isobel by extension), this choice generally earns approval from party members, barring the more chaotic characters.

Siding With Lorroakan​

Opting to betray Dame Aylin significantly simplifies the fight, reducing the adversaries to Nightsong and three Moonlight Silver warriors. You'll have the full support of Lorroakan's resources.

If Nightsong wasn't healed after Moonrise, she enters the battle with reduced health, expediting the confrontation.

Upon Dame Aylin's defeat, Lorroakan and Rolan consign her to the trap, sealing her fate. Lorroakan dismisses you with your payment and pledges to be a formidable ally in the upcoming struggle against the mind flayers.

However, this choice comes at a cost. Betraying Dame Aylin results in losing her as an ally. Additionally, if Isobel is still alive, you forfeit her companionship as well.

Who Should You Side With In Act Three?​

 Who Should You Side With In Act Three?
The decision ultimately rests on the nature of your character. Dame Aylin has endured a century of captivity, and subjecting her to a similar fate by separating her from Isobel seems cruel. The allure of gold and the wizard's aid in the final battle may not outweigh the moral implications.

While Lorroakan is a formidable wizard, he lacks the inherent goodness of an aasimar. Aligning with Nightsong brings three additional allies into your fold, whereas siding with Lorroakan results in the loss of both Nightsong and Isobel.

Choosing to support Aylin is a morally just decision, but for those embodying an evil character or driven by greed, alternative plans may be enticing. Regardless of the choice made, there is ample loot to be acquired on either path.
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