Persona 3 Reload: How To Defeat Icebreaker Lion

In Persona 3 Reload, you engage in battles alongside SEES members as you ascend Tartarus, a seemingly boundless dungeon towering over Tatsumi Port Island. Throughout your journey, you'll face mini-boss encounters, challenging your combat prowess. These Gatekeepers serve as obstacles, hindering your progress to higher floors until you emerge victorious against them.

The Icebreaker Lion Gatekeeper is not a solitary foe, requiring a carefully selected party and strategic approach for triumph. To overcome the challenges posed by the Icebreaker Lion and the Luckless Cupid, learn all the essential details to successfully navigate your way to the pinnacle of Tartarus in Persona 3 Reload.

Icebreaker Lion Overview​

 Icebreaker Lion Overview

Upon reaching the 203rd floor of Tartarus, you'll confront both the Icebreaker Lion and Luckless Cupid. Fortunately, exploiting their weaknesses can expedite your victory in this encounter.

Here's a detailed analysis of Icebreaker Lion's affinities and abilities:

Affinities and Weaknesses​


Attacks and Abilities​

MabufudyneDeals ice damage to all foes.
BufudyneDeals ice damage to one foe.
Gigantic FistDeals heavy Strike damage to one foe.
Heat RiserIncreases one ally's attack, defense, accuracy, and evasion for three turns.

Luckless Cupid Overview​

Luckless Cupid Overview

Affinities and Weaknesses​


Attacks and Abilities​

Marin KarinChance to charm one foe.
Holy ArrowDeals light Pierce damage to one foe with a chance to inflict Charm.
MakougaonDeals Light damage to all foes.

Best Party Composition​

 Best Party Composition

To effectively overcome this Gatekeeper boss, it's recommended to assemble a party comprising Yukari, Akihiko, and Mitsuru. Each member possesses the ability to exploit the weaknesses of the bosses while also offering resistance against the inflicted damage.

In the absence of access to Agi abilities, Mitsuru can be replaced with Junpei.

Here's a breakdown of their roles:
  • Yukari serves as a valuable support, aiding in the removal of Charm from party members and providing healing support when HP is low.
  • Akihiko specializes in exploiting Luckless Cupid's weakness through Zio skills.
  • Mitsuru can endure Bufu attacks and continues to offer assistance even if Yukari is charmed.
It's crucial to bring Personas that exhibit resistance to Bufu and possess Agi skills. Additionally, resistance to Light attacks will prove advantageous.

Consider fusing Hellbiker with Resist Light, as this combination makes for an excellent Persona in this battle.

How To Defeat Icebreaker Lion​

At the commencement of the battle, Luckless Cupid initiates with Holy Arrow, causing damage and potentially inflicting Charm on one of your party members. It's imperative to promptly cure Charm if it occurs.

The optimal strategy involves focusing on defeating Luckless Cupid first to eliminate the Charm threat, and the most effective method is through All-Out Attacks. Target the weaknesses of each shadow to incapacitate them, then unleash an All-Out Attack for substantial damage and a swift resolution to the battle.

When Icebreaker Lion deploys buffs, consider removing them to enhance your survivability and prioritize your offensive actions. Vigilantly monitor your health and persist in exploiting the shadows' vulnerabilities. After a few rounds, successful execution of these tactics will lead to the elimination of both adversaries, allowing you to ascend to the next floor.
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