Persona 3 Reload: How To Defeat Invigorated Gigas
Conquering the formidable floor guardian, Invigorated Gigas, within Persona 3 Reload demands strategic planning and a grasp of its distinct strengths and weaknesses. This guide offers valuable insights into the boss's formidable abilities and effective strategies to exploit its vulnerabilities for a swift triumph.

By harnessing the strengths of a particular Persona and capitalizing on the boss's unique attack pattern, you can transform the encounter into a more controllable battle. Gain the knowledge needed to navigate the demanding confrontation against Invigorated Gigas on the 171st floor of Tartarus, propelling your progress further in the game!

Invigorated Gigas Affinity Chart and Skills​

 Invigorated Gigas Affinity Chart and Skills
With its formidable attack power and diverse move set, the Invigorated Gigas possesses the capability to drain the health bars of your entire team in a single turn. Coupled with its specific affinities and potent buffing skills, this boss presents a formidable challenge for the majority of teams.

Affinities and Weaknesses


Attacks and Skills

Heat WaveThis particular attack is categorized as a potent Strike move, surpassing the damage output of Herculean Strike and lacking the inherent risk of missing its target.
Herculean StrikeThis formidable Strike attack carries the weight to impact every member of your team, albeit with a slight chance of missing its mark.
Gigantic FistThis skill inflicts substantial Strike damage on a single opponent, accompanied by a slight possibility of landing a critical hit.
RevolutionThe Invigorated Gigas possesses the ability to significantly boost the critical hit likelihood for all participants in the battle, lasting for a duration of three turns.
Heat RiserThe boss will enhance its attack, defense, accuracy, and evasion for a duration of three turns, fortifying its overall combat capabilities.
The floor guardian, Invigorated Gigas, presents a formidable challenge as it lacks innate weaknesses and exhibits resistance to Ice damage, along with complete nullification of both Light and Dark damage.

During the encounter, the boss employs two buffing moves, Heat Riser and Revolution, initiated at the battle's outset. Additionally, it wields three immensely potent physical skills, with heightened chances of critical hits following the use of Revolution.

The most perilous aspect of the Invigorated Gigas confrontation lies in its ability to chain powerful critical hits consecutively. Two of its three attacks target the entire party, enabling it to unleash multiple skills in a single turn and pose a significant threat to your team. On the flip side, its primary weakness lies in being confined to attacks of a single type, providing an opportunity to exploit and potentially turn this boss fight into one of the easiest in the game.

It is advisable to approach this battle at level 55 for a balanced and strategic engagement.

Invigorated Gigas Battle Guide​

 Invigorated Gigas Battle Guide
The formidable Invigorated Gigas stands as the boss on the 171st floor of Tartarus, serving as a colossal obstacle between you and the next block of the game, Harabah. Overcoming this adversary is crucial for progression.

Notably, this room lacks teleporters for regrouping; however, the Escape Route skill, available for 24SP, allows you to return to the entrance of Tartarus, providing an opportunity to save progress or adjust your team composition.

When assembling a team to confront a boss without weaknesses, it is advisable to include members capable of executing a buffing and debuffing strategy, emphasizing the enhancement of physical attack critical strike chances. Despite the boss's formidable nature, a key vulnerability lies in its reliance solely on Strike damage. Leveraging this, equip the Protagonist with a Persona that enables him to effectively counter the boss's skill set.

While you have the flexibility to bring other team members, be mindful that they are likely to succumb to the floor guardian's indiscriminate strikes. Therefore, it is recommended not to revive other members, preserving valuable items for more strategic use.

Invigorated Gigas Hit Itself In Confusion​

In the second part of the Tziah Block, an opportunity arises for the Protagonist to recruit the level 45 Chariot Arcana Persona, Shiki-Ouji, which inherently repels all Strike damage. Given the boss's exclusive use of Strike damaging attacks, it becomes incapable of dealing any damage to the Protagonist, effectively causing it to harm itself.

Once the battle commences, you have the freedom to consistently attack the boss every turn. Although it may take a considerable number of turns, the boss will eventually succumb. To expedite the fight, especially considering there are no subsequent bosses, leveraging your Jack Brothers Theurgy on the boss can inflict severe Almighty damage and induce a down state, setting the stage for a follow-up All-Out Attack by your team. This strategic approach ensures a quicker resolution to the encounter.
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