Persona 3 Reload: How To Save Chidori
In Persona 3 Reload, a plethora of distinctive characters grapple with the challenges of harmonizing their lives. Among them is Chidori, a Strega member with a complex history and an uncertain future. Yet, a unique bond forms between her and Junpei Iori, potentially altering the trajectory of her destiny.

Without your involvement, Chidori's fate is predetermined. The game won't explicitly provide instructions, but it will lead you toward the correct path. Here's what you must undertake to rescue Chidori and afford her an opportunity for a more optimistic future in Persona 3 Reload.

How To Save Chidori​

 How To Save Chidori
To secure Chidori's salvation, it's crucial to remain attentive in November. There are multiple steps you must follow to guarantee her survival, as you won't be able to evade the upcoming boss fight with her.

Hangout With Junpei​

On November 6, Junpei pays a visit to Chidori at the hospital, where she requests him to cease his visits. The subsequent day, November 7, Junpei extends an invitation for you to hang out, and if you agree, you'll accompany him to Rafflesia on your way home.

Expressing a desire to buy white flowers for Chidori, Junpei hesitates and ultimately backs out at the eleventh hour. Although you can't persuade him to make the purchase, take note of the specific flowers he intended to buy. This information will prove valuable when you decide to acquire them yourself later on.

Buy Flowers For Chidori​

On the subsequent day, November 8, head to Port Island Station and independently visit Rafflesia. Engage in a conversation with the woman managing the shop and acquire the White Flower for 250 yen.

Patience is required as you'll need to wait until evening to present the flowers to Junpei. Locate him seated in a chair in the lounge, approach him, and offer the flowers. Initially feeling cornered, Junpei decides to visit Chidori once more to deliver the flowers.

At this juncture, all that remains is to wait once again for further developments.

Mitsuru's Phone Call​

On November 30, after concluding your day, Mitsuru will contact you regarding Chidori's condition. A clear indication of your successful efforts is Mitsuru being abruptly interrupted on the phone, learning that Chidori underwent a transmogrification during the Dark Hour.

It's noteworthy that only the living undergo this transformation during the Dark Hour, and solely if they lack the potential to summon a Persona.

Following this revelation, there will be a prolonged period of silence. When January 21 arrives, you, Mitsuru, and Junpei will pay a visit to Chidori in the hospital, confirming her survival. However, it becomes evident that she has suffered memory loss and is unable to recognize you.

Should You Save Chidori?​

 Should You Save Chidori?
Ultimately, the choice lies in your hands. While the decision won't alter the game's outcome, and you won't cross paths with Chidori again, the satisfaction comes from knowing that she survives and harbors hope for the future.

It's a bittersweet realization that she will live on without recollecting Junpei's profound care for her. Nevertheless, it introduces a flicker of hope into an otherwise grim trajectory that Chidori would have encountered without your intervention.
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