
In the realm of Dragon's Dogma 2, countless souls cry out for assistance. As you journey, you'll encounter individuals facing dire circumstances, seeking the aid of the Arisen. Should you choose to lend your hand, your endeavors will not go unrewarded, often leading to the unveiling of new quests.

Among the impoverished streets of Vernworth resides a multitude in need of aid. Notably, young Daphne, a resident of the slums, seeks assistance in procuring various items as part of the "Gift of Giving" quest. Here, we delve into the details necessary for completing this heartfelt mission.

How To Start The Gift Of Giving Quest​

daphne quest location

To embark on "The Gift of Giving" quest, venture into the Vernworth slums. There, you'll encounter the quest initiator, Daphne, a young girl with blonde hair adorned in a dark robe and a purple scarf. Look for her around the vicinity of the Gracious Hand.

Engage in conversation with Daphne to trigger the commencement of this quest. Your mission will entail scouring the surroundings for several items aimed at aiding both Daphne and the impoverished denizens of the slums.

How To Complete The Gift Of Giving Quest​

daphne quest progress

During various stages of this quest, you might encounter intervals where Daphne requires time to formulate her next request. If upon speaking to her again you find she hasn't yet conveyed the next item needed, exercise patience and wait for a day or two before attempting to converse with her once more.

Bunch of Flowers​

Daphne's initial request is for a Bunch of Flowers. You can obtain this item through various means, with the simplest being crafting it yourself by combining any of the following flowers from your inventory:
  • Noonbloom and Moonglow
  • Sunbloom and Noonbloom
  • Sunbloom and Moonglow
These floral components are plentiful throughout the world, and chances are you may already have some in your possession. If not, a brief exploration should yield the necessary ingredients.

Alternatively, you can discover a pre-crafted Bunch of Flowers within a chest located in Vernworth's Inn.

Silver Ore and Gold Ore​

silver and gold ore

The second item required for the quest is Silver Ore, of which you only need one. Silver Ore can be found abundantly across various ore mining locations scattered throughout the world. Caves serve as particularly fruitful spots for such resources, with Trevo Mine, situated northwest of Vernworth, being a notable example. Additionally, any cave encountered during your travels is likely to harbor the sought-after ore.

Once you've secured a single Silver Ore, present it to Daphne to fulfill this segment of the quest.

Subsequently, your task will be to procure two Gold Ore for Daphne. Similar to Silver Ore, Gold Ore can be acquired through mining at ore gathering nodes dispersed throughout the world. Engage in exploration until you obtain the requisite Gold Ore. There's a good chance you may stumble upon the necessary Gold Ore while in pursuit of Silver Ore during the previous stage of this quest.


detoxifyting decoction

In the final stage of the quest, Daphne will request five portions of medicine for the church, specifically seeking remedies capable of curing the Blighted debilitation. There are multiple avenues to fulfill this requirement, as various items can serve the purpose.

Primarily, Daphne will accept Detoxifying Decoction as the primary remedy for Blighted. However, Panacea or Allheal will also suffice if available.

To acquire Detoxifying Decoction, you have two options: crafting or purchasing from an alchemist in town. Crafting involves combining Pitywort and Syrupwort Leaf.

Once you've gathered five pieces of Blighted-curing medicine, present them to Daphne to conclude the quest. As a token of gratitude, you'll receive gold and experience points, along with a Golden Trove Beetle. This valuable item can augment your maximum carry weight, enhancing your adventuring capabilities.
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